Evaluation essays

Evaluation essays
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Friday, 12 October 2012

Sample Evaluation Essays

There are a number of questions which come to the mind of students when they are required to write an evaluation essay. The most fundamental is; “What is an evaluation essay and how is it written? Most writers are also unaware of how to determine or formulate an evaluation essay topic. Thus, studying evaluation essay samples potentially gives them an understanding of what evaluation essays are.
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Evaluation essays tend to combine both the argumentative and descriptive aspects of essays. Most situations and experiences in life actually provide for great opportunities to take on an evaluative approach, which require criticism and argument. All these situations therefore have the potential to result in very good evaluation essay samples. The different aspects of these situations are expounded on, in order to form a debatable subject.
Here are a few examples of evaluation topics which make for comprehensive evaluation essay samples:
·         Working hours: How much is too much?
·         Mobile phone use: What effect is it having on relationships?
·         Family divorce.
·         Education curriculum: Is it comprehensive enough?
·         Sex education.
·         The source of terrorism.
·         Eating habits: Are they the cause of diseases?
·         The Child Mortality Rate.
Sample evaluation essays can be based on the evaluation of the above topics.
Sample Essay Topic: Mobile Phone Use
In evaluating the effect of mobile phone use, the sample essay would conceptualize both the positive and negative aspects of mobile phone use.
Among the positive attributes which would be noted in the sample evaluation essays, the mobile phone represents a big step in communication technology, particularly due to its portability and convenience. In positively evaluating the mobile phone, the writer should also highlight all its qualities while comparing it to the wire telephone and fax machine. For example, the mobile short messages service, numeric counting plus other accessories surpass the use of fax machine.
However there are several attributes of the mobile phone which also need to be evaluated in the evaluation essay samples. For instance, it is expensive to manage. In addition, it is the view of some that it makes individuals too accessible and opens up a door for their privacy to be invaded by hackers and so on. The writer is required to exhaustively discuss the pros and cons of the mobile phone.
Sample evaluation essays are not complete without the evaluation thesis statement. This is a concluding statement which is fundamental when summing up the content of evaluation essays. The writer’s judgment towards the topic of discussion is put in the conclusion; in our case, their judgment towards the use of mobile phones. 

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