Evaluation essays

Evaluation essays
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Friday, 12 October 2012

Evaluation Essays

For all intents and purposes, there are a vast number of topics, subjects, and objects which can be evaluated. Evaluation is the act of examining allthe facts that are relevant to a given object. This is accomplished when effective and less effective qualities of that object are addressed in detail, thus providing a concise summary that can be followed and understood.
Reasons for Writing an Evaluation Essay
These evaluation essays aim at critiquing the qualities of a subject objectively by comprehensively discussing the pros and cons of the saidsubject. For example, when evaluating the plot of a particular play, a detailed analysis is compiled. The role of the characters and stylistic devices employed in the scenes are examined in depth, to give a clear evaluation essay thesis statement. This statement is basically the view of the writer towards the topic and its background information.
Demystifying the Thesis Statement                                                                                                 
The evaluation essay thesis statement is a product of writer’s judgment and understanding of their essay. The writer is required to develop a judgment upon the subject or topic of discussion which should be accompanied by proper evidence. Ideally, this evidence is comprised of critical facts within the subject’s background information and therefore, comprehensive evaluation essays must project the writer’s evaluation essay thesis statement.
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The thesis statement must state ones idea theoretically so as to expose facts of the argument in a suggestive way. The statement should be straight forward and directly related to the background information that the writer is going to put across to his/ her readers.
Possible Subjects which can be evaluated
Any subject can be evaluated as long as the writer has enough relevant information on it. When plotting the body of this essay, the number of points highlighted in the outline must guide the writer to distinguish between major and minor facts. Normally, the thesis statement is stipulated by merging minor and major points of essay outline.
In addition, the facts in evaluation essays must always reflect both positive and negative sides of the subject. Regardless of how complex the subject being evaluated is, what matters is a simple criteria of coming up with a thesis after having analyzed the values of the subject. For instance, the evaluation of a character in a movie will basically require an understanding of their role within the scenes and pointing out their positive and negative traits. From the evaluation essay thesis statement, one would be able to tell whether the character is a protagonistor whether, he/she has been antagonistically portrayed.
Concluding the Evaluation Essay
The conclusion should be attractive and appealing. It should dramatically highlight the writer’s judgment towards the content of the essay. Unlike the introduction where relevant questions may be asked to support the thesis statement, the conclusion is aimed at answering all these questions.

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