Evaluation essays

Evaluation essays
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Friday, 12 October 2012

Evaluation Essays Form

Evaluation essays form is used, mainly by instructors to evaluate essays. The form highlights how the evaluation procedure was carried out while giving credit to both positive and negative aspects of the essay.
Evaluation essays form can be used to see if the evaluation essays presented to them was done within the proper procedure as is required of all evaluation essays.
Applying Criteria Accurately
The form contains rating marks that helps the instructor to easily carry out the task of evaluating. These marks are placed against the criteria presented in the form by the instructor. For example, using the criterion of the format of the essay: Did the essay follow the format of an evaluation essay?{Follow link for more custom writing tips}
Another criterion used in evaluation essays form is assessing the thesis. Does the writer of the essay clearly state his or her point of view?
Creating Good Criteria
When using the evaluation essays form, you have to create evaluative criteria that will give you the best results in analyzing the essay.
The criteria have to be as objective as possible because trying to sound too personal will jeopardize the evaluation procedure leading to a biased evaluation of the essay.
Incorporating the Essays Form into Evaluation Ideas on Facebook
The form can also be applied when evaluating essays on Facebook. As usual, the writer must first come up with ideas on the essay, in this case evaluation ideas on Facebook. We all know that this social site can inspire millions of ideas; even Mark Zuckerberg himself is an evaluation idea.
An instructor may assign his students to think of evaluation ideas on Facebook in order to come up with an interesting essay. An example of an idea is User privacy on Facebook. This is one of the many evaluation ideas on Facebook that can be transformed into an interesting essay owing to the fact that a lot of users have complained of their accounts being hacked.
Understanding the Criteria of Analysis
When rating essays on evaluation ideas on Facebook, the instructor has to come up with criteria to analyze the whole essay impartially. Is there evidence to prove that users’ accounts have been hacked? Was the essay well researched? Is the thesis statement clearly stated – is the writer’s stand clear?
Whether you are rating an essay on Facebook or any other essay, an instructor has to carefully read the essay and pay attention to every detail in order to come up with a good analysis that is objective. 

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